Profit Share Agreement Uk

If you`re looking to establish a business in the UK, you may want to consider a profit share agreement. This type of agreement can help you distribute profits fairly among the parties involved in your business.

What is a profit share agreement?

A profit share agreement is a contract between the parties involved in a business venture. It outlines how profits will be split among them. The agreement usually covers the percentage of profits to be distributed, the period during which profits will be calculated, and the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Why use a profit share agreement?

Using a profit share agreement is a fair way to distribute profits. It ensures that all parties involved in the business venture receive a fair share of the profits based on their contribution to the business. It also incentivizes everyone to work towards the same goal of increasing the business`s profits.

How to draft a profit share agreement?

To draft a profit share agreement, you should start by identifying the parties involved in the business venture. It could be shareholders, employees or independent contractors. Then, decide on the percentage of profits each party will receive. You should also determine the period during which profits will be calculated. This could be quarterly, bi-annually or annually.

Finally, the agreement should include the terms and conditions of the profit share agreement. This can include the distribution of profits in case of a dispute, the amendment of the agreement and the termination of the agreement.


A profit share agreement is a fair way to distribute profits among the parties involved in a business venture. It incentivizes everyone to work towards the same goal of increasing the business`s profits. To draft a profit share agreement, identify the parties involved, decide on the percentage of profits each party will receive, determine the period during which profits will be calculated and include the terms and conditions of the agreement.

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